
Have you heard the legacy of Covenant Bible College lives on? Trellis Foundation was established in 2014 with capital from the sale of the properties when CBC closed in 2007. Like a support structure that helps a grapevine get off the ground and grow upward, becoming more fruitful and productive, Trellis Foundation exists to be a catalyst of biblical, intentional and innovative discipleship in the Canadian Covenant. In the last two years, over $120,000 has been granted to discipleship endeavors throughout the ECCC.

Would you like to hear stories about discipleship initiatives funded with grants from Trellis, especially if you had a heart for Covenant Bible College? Click here  to join our email list. Celebrate with us what God is doing, pray for current initiatives, and let Jesus spark your imagination for what he might like to do in your context. Sometimes all that is needed is getting an idea off the ground!

Emails sent from Trellis Foundation will include:

• Updates about how Trellis Foundation is growing & supporting discipleship in the ECCC, along with prayer requests for current grant recipients

• Reminders to apply for grants & updates on what funds are available following the first granting cycle of each year

• Opportunities to give

• Stories of discipleship across Canada.